Creative Economy Publications

The Culture and Governance Programme is currently implemented through research, policy analysis and advocacy in the culture and creative Industries in East Africa.  Below are some of our key publications relating to our culture and development programming.

The Mapping Study on Artistic Freedom took place from February to October, 2023. This study has assessed the status of artistic freedom in Tanzania in various areas such as, freedom to create without intimidation and censorship, freedom to distribute and the right to reasonable and timely remuneration, freedom of movement of both artists and artistic products, freedom of association, protection of social and economic rights, and right to participate in a cultural life.

Below is the Mapping Study on the Status of the artist in Tanzania carried out between February and June 2023.

Below are some of the research products between 2014 and 2017 as well as two reports  of the Mashariki Creative Economy Impact Investment Conference held in 2018 and 2019.