The Animation Incubation Workshop by CDEA significantly empowered me by providing hands-on skills training in animation techniques with the support of a well-skilled mentor which enhanced her storytelling abilities through visual art. 

Gained hands-on experience in illustration and directing, allowing me to develop a unique visual style and narrative approach in my project animation films like #Mmamba. 

The workshop facilitated networking with fellow female animators, industry professionals, and mentors, leading to potential collaborations and support within the creative community. 

Access to experienced mentors provided guidance, feedback, and encouragement, helping me refine my skills and grow as an artist. 

Participation in the workshop led to opportunities to showcase my work at various cultural and film events forestance Mmamba film screened at the Uganda National Cultural Heritage Conference 2024, increasing my visibility and recognition in the film industry.

 My animated film “Mmamba,” received official selections in 60 Seconds Or Less Video Festival – USA 2023, Festival Del Cinema Di Cefalù Italy – 2022, Wildlife Vaasa Festival-International Nature Film Festival- 2022.

I also directed a Women`s Natural Hair Pride Short animated film. This is to appreciate our natural hair with pride. Black women have many different types of natural hair, which can vary in texture, curl pattern, and thickness, screened at CDEA on Women’s Day 2023 where we also received awards as East African women in animation recognition and supported with a Brand new Mac Macbook Pro laptop which the laptop helps me in terms of mentorship tool.

The workshop empowered me by equipping me with the knowledge and skills necessary to create impactful animated films, while engaging with other talented female artists provided inspiration and motivation, fostering a sense of solidarity and shared purpose. 

The skills and experiences gained from the workshop contributed to my career artistic professional development, enhancing my career prospects and opening new opportunities in the animation and film industry.