- Tender Submission deadline 15th January 2022
Culture and Development East Africa (CDEA), a shareholder of SanaaBiZ Investments Limited invites tenders from a suitably qualified professional team to undertake a study to assess the feasibility of setting up a Creative Hub in Kigamboni, Dar es Salaam.
A Creative Hub is a place, which brings creative people together, providing space and support for networking, business development and community engagement within the creative, cultural and technological sectors.
Creative Hubs are a new way of organizing creative economy innovation and development and can produce a wide range of impacts including start-up ventures, jobs, new products and services, future investment (public and commercial), talent development, regional talent retention, informal education and engagement, training, urban regeneration, research and development, new networks, innovative models of organization, quality of life enhancements and resilience (British Council, The Creative Hubs Report, 2016).
In fact, for certain aspects the concept of creative hub represents a mix of both the creative clusters dynamics, common in fully developed creative economies, and the hub/coworking ideas (Wangusa et al, Ahead of policy? Creative hubs in East African cities, 2021).
In Tanzania, the idea of a creative hub with a wide range of support services for culture and creative industries (CCIs) supply-chain relations, is a new concept. Currently most creative clusters and knowledge pool workers are scattered around Dar es Salaam.
The feasibility study will:
- assess the gaps, needs and market demand for a Creative Hub provision in relevant sectors: CCIs (film, music, fashion and design) including tourism, urban development CCIs, technology and social enterprise
- undertake a technical study-site options appraisal to identify the right location / premises for a Creative Hub in Kigamboni, life cycle costing,
- Undertake an environment and social impact scoping analysis- dealing with humid coastal outline, utilization of building materials, water, energy and waste management; community benefits
- recommend the relevant structure e.g. for profit / private, non-profit, social venture or charitable
- identify the hub’s specific ‘offers’ / ‘services’ relevant to existing and latent demand e.g. hot desking, studio space, training / workshops / events, access to equipment / skills / resources / networks, incubation / business support / mentoring / financing, retail opportunities and research & development
- develop a high-level financial model for the hub and identify potential funding sources
Contract Timescale (Extended)
- Tender Submission deadline 15th January 2022
- Notification of preferred bidder 31st January 2022
- Inception meeting 1th February 2022
- Interim Report 1th March 2022
- Final Report 15th March 2022
Tasks and Deliverables
The feasibility study must include the following elements:
Task 1 – Assessing the market – identifying the gaps, needs and demand:
- What challenges currently face creatives locally? How would a physical / virtual hub support the community?
- Do certain creative sectors need improved or different types of support? Will it be beneficial to support only one sector, or would they benefit from engaging with broader creatives and/or industries?
- Is there an established creative community already who will benefit from a new hub, or will the community have to be developed from scratch?
- Are there any other organizations providing similar hub provisions, and if so how will this hub add value? Are there any opportunities to work in partnership to develop shared provision?
- D 1.1 Market research and assessment – technology sector
- D 1.2 Market research and assessment – arts & culture sector
Task 2 – Technical study – A geotechnical study shall also be undertaken to ensure that the topography and the soil is suitable to support what is planned for the project together with ensuring there are no other site constraints impeding
the success of the project.
- D 2.1 Location of the property extracted from satellite image
- D 1.2 A geotechnical study report
- D 1.3 Clearance from Kigamboni Municipality for phase 1 of the project, which is a creative hub
Task 3 – Environment and social impact scoping analysis– conduct an environmental impact assessment in accordance with statutory guidelines, to advise on environmental compliance issues and to assist the project
comply with environmental clearance requirements.
- D 3.1 Environmental impact assessment report
- D 3.2 Social impact analysis report
- D 3.3 NEMC clearance certificate is is attained for the building and the proposed development has been designed to adhere to all current environmental requirements of the law as well as other good practice requirements
that may not necessarily be required by the law.
Task 4- Defining the vision – articulating potential short term goals and long term aspirations and selecting the business model
The business model and funding structure will depend on the hub’s agreed purpose and objectives and could be a for-profit company, charity, social venture, community interest company (CIC) or co-operative.
Creative Hubs come in all different shapes and sizes and can be described in many different ways – collectives, cooperatives, labs or incubators and can be static, mobile or online. The feasibility study will identify the most appropriate / relevant features that a potential Creative Hub in Dar es Salaam could offer from the following:
- studio: small collective of individuals and / or small businesses in a co-working space
- centre: large scale building which may have other assets such as a café, bar, cinema, maker space, shop or exhibition
- network: dispersed group of individuals and / or businesses – tends to be sector or place specific
- cluster: co-located creatives, individuals and businesses, in a geographic area
- online platform: uses only online methods – website, social media to engage with a dispersed audience
- alternative: focused on experimentation with new communities, sectors and financial models
- D 4.1 recommended legal structure i.e. profit, non-profit, collective or social venture
- D 4.2 recommended business model i.e. studio, centre, network, cluster etc.
Task 5 – Designing the opportunity – this element of the study will explore critical aspects of a creative hub to inform the business model:
- What is needed to make the hub a reality? E.g. types of resources, finance, equipment and staff
- What skills and capabilities are already in place? E.g. business skills, event management, stakeholder engagement and management
- What activities / services / products will the hub provide? E.g. studio rental, events and business support
- What benefits will the hub create for those involved? E.g. for tenants, collaborators and suppliers
- What broader impacts could the hub potentially generate? E.g. for city, stakeholders and the creative / cultural economy
- D 5.1 Site / premises options appraisal
- D 5.2 Three-five years business plan
Task 6 – Financial modelling
A key feature of the feasibility study is to undertake initial financial modelling and cost estimation to enable SanaaBiZ Investments Limited to weigh up different cost scenarios and approaches to identifying potential income sources. This may include questionnaires, surveys and workshops with potential customers (individuals and companies) to test how much they may be willing to pay for various services as well as benchmarking expenditure against other hubs.
- D 6.1 Three-five year budget: income & expenditure
- D 6.2 Three-five year cashflow projection
Task 7 – Final report
- D 7.1 – Draft report
- D 7.2 – Final report (30 pages, excluding annexes and executive summary)
Qualifications Evaluator (s)
The Board of Directors of SanaaBiz Investments Limited are looking for a team of 1 or 2 people to conduct the Feasibility study. Gender-balanced teams are encouraged. The professionals should demonstrate the following:
- Proven experience and expertise in the design and implementation of participatory research methodologies.
- Proven expertise in the field of culture in developing countries in East Africa
- Ability to draft concise feasibility study reports of high quality in English
- Excellent analytical, interpersonal and communication skills
- Willingness and ability to travel to Tanzania to conduct the fieldwork
- Knowledge of Swahili language is desirable but not a precondition for qualification
Submission of tender
Applicants shall submit the following documents:
- A cover letter with a brief description of relevant previous experiences in feasibility studies (max 1 page A4)
- One recent example of a previous feasibility study
- Contact details of 2 references expected to support claims of knowledge, skills and
- A Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- A proposed work plan
- Consultancy fee
How to send tenders
Tenders must be sent to the email address of SanaaBiZ Investment Limited: sanaabizinvestments@gmail.com
Deadline for submission of tenders
- The deadline for submission of tenders is 20th August 2021.
Language of the tenders
- Tenders shall be submitted in English.
Award criteria
- Demonstrated understanding of the needs of the assignment (40%)
- Relevant qualifications and experience of the evaluator(s) (40%)
- Work plan (20%)
Successful candidate
Only the successful applicant(s) will be contacted by 31st January 2022